ACT Theatre Reviews 2021-2022

There was some very impressive ensemble work throughout. I particularly loved the sound of the ancestors; together they made such a powerful and rich sounding chorus. The minimal use of props, lighting and costume was effective, and it meant the performers had nowhere to hide. The direction was very creative, so the lack of set did not take anything away from the performance. For example, when the young people created the sea with blue cloths, it was simple but so effective. The technical team also never missed a cue, with the sound and lighting perfectly complimenting the performance. The backstage team and chaperones should also be commended as the transitions of the young people coming on and off were smooth, with minimal backstage noise (which I imagine is not an easy feat with 25 excited young performers!). The young people confidently knew their entrances and exits, and the scenes moved swiftly from one to another. I also noted many of the actors staying in character until they were out of the audience’s sight lines – I think this is really important. I also appreciated the actors who always stayed in character and didn’t let their attention wander. These performers stood out as focused and professional. Well done to the Stage Door team for bringing together an energetic, well-rehearsed, creative performance. It was a joy to watch a community of young people so deeply engaged with their performances of this empowering story. You definitely have some future stars in the making!