ACT Hall of Fame

DAVID LEWIS What qualities do the ACT Board look for to justify induction to the 'Hall of Fame’? Is it wonderful lead roles in plays, musicals or pantomime, or dedicated committee work and backstage organisation, or maybe Inspired direction and possibly even promoting amateur and professional theatre? Commitment to any of these is to be applauded but this evening ACT recognises someone who has embraced all these qualities and yet some. Our inductee has directed a range of plays from classical theatre to farce, operettas, and musical theatre in all its widest genre not to mention the complexities of pantomime. Enough for anyone you may think, but add to that a much sought after leading principal of roles in operetta, musical theatre and dramas. Add to this a one-time wonderful editor, of a sadly missed magazine until the ACT publication magazine. We are talking of someone whose energy led to the founding of more than one (now much respected) societies in Northern Lancashire. When business commitments interrupted stage activities, the theatre was not forgotten and this doyen of Amateur Theatre moved to reviewing productions on Radio Lancashire which became a 'slot' eagerly looked forward to by the public. So! We have a gentleman who has served as Chairman of 'Ozzy Players', secretary and chairman of Hyndburn Bel Canto, and as a very much 'hands on' Secretary of 'The Garrick Club' in Burnley