Association of Community Theatre

Show Reviews - May  2017


PADOS Junior Theatre Group


Co-Directors: April Grime & Helen Wilkinson

Music supplied by backing tracks

Movement/choreography:  Helen Wilkinson & Emily Richardson


This presentation of 7 to 12 year olds was a showcase displaying the members of the PADOS Junior Theatre Group's newly learnt theatre skills, ACT in Training.


Mentor, April, and her support team, achieved so much from the young students. There was a selection of songs and dialogue from 'The Lion King' and 'Matilda'.


The staging was simple, but effective, giving maximum space for performing. They used the space they had created very well.


The musical content was of a high standard.  Backing tracks do not take any prisoners, but the young cast was not fazed, and they all picked up each cue. The solo performances were well delivered, full of understanding and confidence. The duets and ensemble numbers also came over very well.


The same has to be said about the movement/choreography.


The coordination and timing were well executed.


All those on stage were determined to get everything right, and they did.

The rhythm of music followed through to the rhythm of speech.  Their delivery was coherent, it made sense and had good pace. With the help of the costumes, there were recognisable characters.


This Junior Showcase was made enjoyable by the presentation which could only have been achieved by the work they had  done in rehearsals.

PADOS is fast becoming recognised as a training ground for youngsters and for the work undertaken by the young theatre group. This Showcase was proof of that.