Association of Community Theatre

Show Reviews 2017


PADOS Youth Theatre


Director Timothy Platt

Musical Director Steven Sandiford

Dance Director Helen Wilkinson


It was with curiosity I approached this production, wondering how a youth version would work. I asked myself, if, after taking out the adult content, would there be enough content left? I need not have worried as there was more than enough content which confirmed the strength of the piece. In fact, the adult was not dramatically missed and the jokes , if anything, seemed funnier.


The scene setting is Avenue Q, a tenement block where all the characters reside and the presentation here was very believable and fulfilled all the functions necessary for the story.. The puppets were instantly recognisable. For this production, some of the actors doubled up which proved to be a little confusing at times.


The director gave precise and clear direction, the puppeteering was good and most of the actors kept themselves masked by their puppets. All the movement added to the overall dramatic picture. Musically everyone was solid and conveyed the thought behind the words.

 Although the music was provided by backing tracks it was cued in and out by the MD which created more of a live presentation so that things such as  “Lucy’s Musical Vamp Walk” could have the best effect.


The story of the on-off relationship between Kate Monster and Princeton was charming. Sam Bate and Dalia Kay got everything out of the script as the would-be lovers. Coming between them is Lucy, the cabaret singer, who was given the right interpretation by Isabel Cunliffe


Then there is Rod, Nicky’s flatmate, played by Sam Bate, who was another well drawn character. George Platt took on the adorable Trekkie Monster (effectively aided by Abbie Foley) and musical theatre lover, Nicky. All these characters were entertaining and added to the fun that is Avenue Q.

On the human side there was Brian and Christmas Eve, brought to life by Sophie Dalton and Max Cunliffe. Support from the other cast members contributed to making this a furry, fabric romp one of frolicsome entertainment.